
Monday, September 30, 2013

Industry Podcast and Professional Communities

If I was a Web designer and I wanted to stay on top of my game I would go to all new meetings pertaining to web design. I would also stay on top of my game by networking with  other who know web design inside and out. i would also do webinars online to help me just in case I didn't have time to actually go out.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday Blog Post

This week I have learned various thing that I am going to carry on with me. I have learned that their are many different blogs that I could look up related to the interest that I have. I have also absorbed other information  is academic integrity which should always be in mind while writing and essay for school or a project. Netiquette is also something that I learned about , I didn't even know that netiquette was apart of the dictionary that  shows you how much technology has advanced. I will apply my new information to my everyday life as I go on to the web. I will watch what information I put up online and pictures that I may put up as well. I will also try my best to use my own words while writing essays. Another cool thing that I have also learned to do is a podcast, a podcast is a multimedia file made on the internet for downloading to a portable media player. Doing the podcast was cool it taught me something I never knew and I can use it later on in life. If I decided create a blog for myself I will know how exactly to navigate and work a blog.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blog 5 (What I know about Web Design)

I have never done any program pertaining to web design. I personally don't know anything to that nature. Although I haven't done anything pertaining to web design I feel this is something great  to have under my belt. Learning new things about technology and how to navigate technology is always great. I plan on giving the class my undivided attention so I can absorb any information given to me. I can carry what I learn from this class on with me through life.

Blog 4 (Netiquette)

Netiquette is the correct and acceptable way of communicating on the Internet. It is very important to have a good netiquette because certain things that might be said online might be taking a different way than it should be. Good netiquette allows you to get further, no one can hold anything against you. Nowadays you can receive various jobs due to good netiquette. Just how people have good etiquette you need good netiquette. Netiquette should be used while on social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. These websites can have various information about you all over the world.

My Netiquette is expectable, when I Google my name nothing really pops-up about me. On my Face book I don't put up anything in appropriate or that I would regret later on in my life. I could avoid putting my name on random websites , to prevent people from receiving my personal information



Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog 3 (Positive Digital Footprint)

A Digital Footprint is a trail left by interactions on digital environments 
such as, TV usage, cell phone, internet, mobile web and other devices and sensors. 
Positive digital footprints are very important because your digital footprint maybe what gets you your next job. When people search your name positive things should pop-up to give the person a good impression of you. That could be the first and last impression of you.

I think I have a pretty good digital footprint I don't put personal information on the web and I don't put anything that would jeopardize my reputation. I could probably reduce being on certain internet websites such as Facebook to make my digital footprint better.

When affiliated with certain people online it might make your image look bad when that's not how you truly are. Someone might have a negative footprint and since your affiliated with them their might be affects.Your personal life isn't really personal. Nothing online is personal , so pictures that are uploaded online aren't private.The impact might be negative because you don't intend for other people to view what you think is private.


  • E book
  • Press Release
  • Netiquette
  • Digital Footprint
  • Social Media

Monday, September 16, 2013

Blog 2 ( Academic Integrity)

Academic Integrity: The moral code of academics. The value of avoiding cheating or plagiarism. Maintaining honesty in research and academic publishing.
Plagiarism: Taking someone else work and claiming it as your own.

*Having academic integrity and not plagiarizing is important because honesty is key to everything in life. If you plagiarize it will eventually catch up to you and their will be consequences. Your reputation can be destroyed and it can be a criminal defense.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Blog 1 ( Blogging)

Definition of a blog is a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis. The thing I know about blog's are that many people look at blog to see others opinions and to share their opinions. Blogging could be used to support the learning process in our class because it can show people that not everyone is going to agree on everything, and everyone has different views on things. Seeing other's ways of thinking might broaden your mind.

Topics of Interest: 

1) Ice Cream-http://blog.jenis.com/
2) Dogs- http://www.allthingsdogblog.com/

The Blog that I am most interested in would have to be the makeup because I enjoy learning new ways to apply makeup on people. My sister got me interested in it since I was in sophomore year and I've been doing it since then.One person that truly inspired me was Talia Castellano. She was a great makeup artist, she was battling cancer since the age of 10 and at 13 years old she died. She was phenomenal at what she did.